More than a thousand languages are spoken in the world, travel with us and learn one!
Our National Programs are ideal for connecting with other university students or young professionals around Ecuador.
21 years of experience
We are an international organization, dedicated to immigration advice and study abroad programs;
our qualified and multilingual staff will establish warm communications with our students.
Traveled students
Years of experience
Learn or perfect a language with GLOBAL EXCHANGE In 76 destinations around the world. Enjoy an exclusive atmosphere in our language academies.
The best universities in the world are waiting for you. We help you apply to international universities in countries like France, Italy, Germany, Belgium, Australia, Austria, Holland and Switzerland; They are countries that offer almost free public education and that range between 100 to 700 euros per semester. With an average monthly maintenance of 800 to 1000 euros.
Students have a wide range of opportunities when choosing extracurricular activities for the afternoons after school. Among the sports they can choose from are soccer, basketball, volleyball, swimming, among others, and journalism, music, theater, singing, drawing, and literature clubs. Schools usually offer excursions and special events on holidays such as Christmas, spring-break, graduation, among others.
Do a cultural exchange for a year, while working as a Nanny in a host family, you will learn a new language in the native land, managing your independence and if you dare, at the end of the program you will visit Europe with your new friends. countries
El componente básico de un programa de estudio dual es la combinación de trabajo práctico en una empresa y clases teóricas en una universidad o centro de formación cooperativa. Estos dos ámbitos de trabajo (práctico y teórico) se alternan entre si con un ritmo normalmente regular (modelos de tiempo). Esto significa, por ejemplo que se completa la formación en la empresa durante 3 meses y luego se estudia otros 3 meses. Países
Ausbildung training is an educational measure in which knowledge and work skills are taught or developed and at the end of the training, people can carry out a specific technical activity. In addition to school education, it includes vocational training and studies at a higher education institution (university or university of applied sciences). In Ausbildung, you attend vocational school and learn in the company. They work from Monday to Thursday and Friday, Saturday and Sunday they study at the university. As a technology it can be realized in various areas: health, education, construction. The training lasts 3 years and a recognized training qualification is obtained.
Bachelor (degree) in 6 semesters. Masters 2-3 years (third level) free. Doctorate 2 years free. Free 2-year postdoctoral degree. Highly recognized educational level, placing its universities among the 100 best in the world.
Develop your language ability and job skills in a real work environment. Ideal program for students or young professionals. Test all your work skills and prove that you are the best. programs
SCHOOLING IN A PUBLIC SCHOOL Your family abroad will become your second home sharing life in all its dimensions. A single or double bedroom will be available for your comfort; Depending on the season, you will be able to share your experience with another student from anywhere in the world. The family will take care of your accommodation and food and support. Improve the language in the country you are in. You will attend the most prestigious public schools in the world. Support office-responsible area coordinator 24/7. ADDED VALUES OF THE EDUCATION PROGRAM Learning and command of the language of the country of destination, leaving the student the opportunity to take his language proficiency exam. Cultural exchange and deep learning of customs, broader criteria for choosing a professional career and visits to fascinating landscapes.
In addition to our programs abroad, Global Exchange offers advice for admission and application to the best Universities in the World. We will be happy to offer you the best alternatives and services for your higher studies abroad.
We turn students into citizens of the world with more opportunities.
8,000 guys traveled around the world.
76 destinations await you
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